The Team

Ray Webb
Owner of Wonder Auto Parts and Touge Nation, Ray has a lifetime of experience in the Auto industry both classic and modern. Constantly pushing the team and the organisation towards innovation, he is the mastermind behind our iconic stripe kits as well as fostering our relationships with our many reputable branded partners.
Cars: Toyota Celica ST204 turbo 5SFE, 1980 Chrysler Lancer, Plymouth Satellite, Toyota Caldina
Current project: Viper V10 engine swap MA70 Toyota Supra

Cooper Webb
As our local Toyota and rare parts enthusiast Cooper brings irreplaceable knowledge to the team as well as being CNC machinist. Not only does Cooper handle the production of all our custom CNC products but he is also vital to our product development by bringing new and inspiring ideas based off his countless hours of research.
Cars: Toyota MRS, Toyota Supra MA70
Current projects: Viper V10 engine swap MA70 Toyota Supra, Widebody & K Swap Toyota MRS

Brodie Webb
While Brodie's role primarily focuses on product development he is also the creator of this webstore. Brodie brings a passion to push our products to higher levels of customization and quality to solidify the Wonder Auto Parts name in the JDM industry.
Car: Mazda MX5 (NB)
Current Project: Developing a custom bodykit for NB MX5